European Awards for Steel Structure -ECCS
The “Radar Towers” project was unanimously recognized and awarded first prize for its unique structure, permeable texture, transparent features within the viewpoint of a seaside environmental context, success in architectural solutions and details, new structural system for the construction sector, and innovatively contributing
towards the image of the steel industry using a unique patented steel technology in harmonious compliance with the other criteria. The Jury awarded second prize to the “Çimtaş Management Building” Project, and third prize to the “Double Tree By Hilton” for compliance with the specified criteria.
The Annual Meetings of the European Structural Steel Association (ECCS) were held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, between 12-14 September 2023. The events started with the European Steel Structures Award Ceremony and continued with the meetings of the Technical and Promotion exec utive Boards ( TMB / PMB) and continued with the Board of Directors and General Assembly meetings. On the last day, there was a meeting of the Bridge Committee. The earthquake in Turkey was brought to the agenda on both days.
buildings in 11 provinces affected by the earthquake ; 82% of them are reinforced concrete, 3.6% are precast concrete, 3.5% are stone and masonry structures, 2.4% are steel carrier system structures, 8.5% are other types of structures (wooden, rock carved, etc.). barn etc.)
● Our losses in the earthquake; The death toll was more than 50,000, 518,009 buildings were destroyed or heavily damaged (9.2%), 131,577 buildings were moderately damaged (2.3%), 1,279,727 buildings were slightly damaged (22.7%), No steel The building did not collapse, 3 steel apartment buildings were heavily damaged, Industrial buildings performed very well in this earthquake,
● Developments after the earthquake,
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